Yukos (English) Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download Yukos (English) logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more Yukos (English) related vector logos. Download Yukos (English) logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

YUKOS's logo is torn apart by two opposite vectors. Even though the white diagonal lines seem to be pointing in the positive direction, their spirit is suppressed by the yellow triangle, which is just about to slide down from the top. The logo was apparently based on "the only intrinsically stable polygon", but the very idea is ruined with the sharp angles of all three triangles pointing downwards. It is such a shivery construction that even bold uppercase letters fail to keep it strong.

§ 137. Emotion matrix


Uploaded on August 19, 2010
Last updated on August 19, 2010

Yukos Oil Company
Frutiger 95 Ultra Black
Font author:
Adrian Frutiger

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Yukos (English) AI downloadDownload62k Yukos (English) EPS downloadDownload114k

Yukos Oil Company

Yukos Oil Company (Russian: ОАО Нефтяна́я Компа́ния Ю́КОС) was a petroleum company in Russia which, until recently, was controlled by Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky and a number of other prominent Russian businessmen. Khodorkovsky was convicted and sent to prison. Yukos headquarters was located in Moscow. Yukos was one of the biggest and one of the most successful Russian companies in 2000-2003. In 2003, following a tax reassessment, the Russian government presented Yukos with a series of tax claims that amounted to $27 billion. As Yukos's assets were frozen by the government at the same time, the company was not able to pay these tax demands. On August 1, 2006, a Russian court declared Yukos bankrupt.