Q8 (Kuwait Petroleum Corporation) Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download Q8 (Kuwait Petroleum Corporation) logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more Q8 (Kuwait Petroleum Corporation) related vector logos. Download Q8 (Kuwait Petroleum Corporation) logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

In 1985 Wolff Olins was approached to develop a new identity for Kuwait Petroleum International. As this had to compete with established oil giants it needed to be compellingly different and attractive from the outset. The company wanted a brand which carried with it only an indirect link with Kuwait, so that it would be seen as an international service brand. It also wanted the petrol station to become a total environment, offering customers more control and choice through the retail experience.

Wolff Olins put forward Q8 as the new brand name. It says Kuwait phonetically but doesn't look like Kuwait the country. We then developed a marque: a modern interpretation of a sail-boom of the dhow, traditionally used by Kuwaiti pearl-fishers. A major part of the work for Q8 centred on the design and implementation of petrol stations. The station design reinforced the brand principles through the use of simple architectural forms and clear layouts, with the forecourt shop seen as a major element in developing brand loyalty.


Uploaded on August 8, 2010
Last updated on August 8, 2010

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

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Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (Arabic: مؤسسة البترول الكويتية‎) is Kuwait's national oil company, headquartered in Kuwait City. It was founded on January 27, 1980 as an umbrella company, integrating KOC, KNPC, KOTC and PIC and effectively placing them under government control.

The company's products have been sold in some countries under a subsidiary's name Q8.