SUBWAY (restaurant) Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download SUBWAY (restaurant) logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more SUBWAY (restaurant) related vector logos. Download SUBWAY (restaurant) logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
This logo debuted on March 4, 2002 and changed its yellow tone to a slightly greener shade. They also added the slogan "Eat Fresh" to it. The yellow logo refers to the freshness of Subway products and the green shade appeals to the company's health conscious customers.
The two arrows literally depicting the name of the restaurant have also been retained.
Uploaded on November 19, 2010
Last updated on November 19, 2010
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Subway is an American restaurant franchise that primarily sells submarine sandwiches (subs), salads, and personal pizzas. It is owned and operated by Doctor's Associates, Inc. (DAI). It is the largest single-brand restaurant chain globally and is the second largest restaurant operator globally after Yum! Brands.