21st Century Fox Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download 21st Century Fox logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more 21st Century Fox related vector logos. Download 21st Century Fox logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
21st Century Fox is a publicly traded spin out of News Corporation, officially announced on December 3, 2012.
The searchlights of Twentieth Century Fox are one of the most recognized icons in the world. Pentagram’s Michael Gericke and Emily Oberman have drawn on this rich heritage and Fox’s contemporary innovations in media to create the logo and develop the name for 21st Century Fox. 21st Century Fox will serve as the umbrella company for Twentieth Century Fox and the rest of the group’s entertainment and media properties, all of which will retain their existing well-known names and logos.
Pentagram worked closely with the 21st Century Fox team on the development of the identity, which is designed to honor the creative legacy of Twentieth Century Fox and celebrate the company’s vital future. The name and symbol distill the elements of Fox’s familiar searchlights-and-monument logo into a dynamic new identity. The 21st Century Fox logo features a pair of sweeping searchlights that suggest entertainment, broadcasting and limitless possibilities within a circle shape inspired by a lens. Iconic and distinctive, the symbol is accompanied by a wordmark set in strong, stacked lettering that is derived from the typographic pedestal of the Twentieth Century Fox logo and Fox Broadcasting’s wordmark.
Uploaded on May 13, 2013
Last updated on May 13, 2013
Jonathan Correira and Jed Skillins, senior designers
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News Corporation
News Corporation or News Corp. is a diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered in New York City. News Corporation is a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ. Formerly incorporated in South Australia, the company was re-incorporated under Delaware General Corporation Law after a majority of shareholders approved the move on 12 November 2004. News Corp's U.S. holdings include Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and Twentieth Century Fox.