TOMMY HILFIGER Vector Logo Download - AI

Free to download TOMMY HILFIGER logo vector in AI vector format. Browse to see more TOMMY HILFIGER related vector logos. Download TOMMY HILFIGER logo vector in AI format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

If you see a rectangle logo that comes with the colors of blue, red, and white, then you are surely looking at the official logo of the fashion mogul known as Tommy Hilfiger. The white and red fields in the central part of the logo were borrowed from the "International Code of Signals" flag "H" ("Hotel"), which when hoisted alone, means that: "I have a pilot on board." Here, of course, it is the "H" for "Hilfiger".

Uploaded on December 17, 2010
Last updated on December 17, 2010

Tommy Hilfiger Corporation
United States
Gill Sans
Font author:
Eric Gill

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Tommy Hilfiger Corporation

Tommy Hilfiger Corporation is an American company which is incorporated in Hong Kong. Founded by Thomas Jacob "Tommy" Hilfiger, an American fashion designer, Tommy Hilfiger is a fashion brand now and sells its products in department stores, company stores, and specialty stores.