Barbie Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download Barbie logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more Barbie related vector logos. Download Barbie logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

What girl hasn't owned Barbie dolls or at least wanted to? Branding is part of the reason that this doll has become such a huge part of American culture. Designers periodically redesign the Barbie logo to keep it congruent with modern girls, and this latest logo is a masterpiece. In a bold but feminine pink, the logo features the doll's well known name in a font similar to a young woman's writing, with the ‘I' dotted with a flower. In all, the Barbie logo is simple and girly enough to speak to a whole new generation of young women, a winning logo by all accounts.

Uploaded on November 12, 2010
Last updated on September 20, 2012

Mattel Inc.
United States
Toys & Games

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Mattel Inc.

Mattel Inc. is the world's largest toy company based on revenue. The products it produces include Barbie dolls, Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, Masters of the Universe, American Girl dolls, board games, and, in the early 1980s, video game consoles. The company's name is derived from Harold "Matt" Matson and Elliot Handler, who founded the company in 1945. Handler's wife, Ruth Handler, later became president, and is credited with establishing the Barbie product line for the company in 1959.