TELUS Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download TELUS logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more TELUS related vector logos. Download TELUS logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
TELUS, the Canadian holding company for Alberta's privatized telephone service, operated under two brands, AGT and ED TEL, each marketed a fragmented mix of branded products hindering a clear, customer-focused image. In addition, supporting two separate brands was not economical in the face of increasing competition.
Lippincott Mercer launched a masterbrand strategy featuring a single brand, TELUS, to support the image of a company with a rich tradition of innovation, a breadth of competencies and a responsive customer-friendly attitude.
Lippincott Mercer introduced a new signature for the TELUS brand—a dynamic "t" symbol designed to convey an energetic, responsive and progressive spirit.
Uploaded on July 10, 2010
Last updated on July 10, 2010
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Telus is a national telecommunications company in Canada that provides a wide range of communications products and services including data, Internet protocol (IP), voice, entertainment, and video. The company is based in Burnaby, British Columbia. Telus utilizes CDMA 2000, IDEN, and HSPA+-based mobility phone networks.