ŠKODA Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG
Free to download ŠKODA logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more ŠKODA related vector logos. Download ŠKODA logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
A new and redesigned logo was revealed for Skoda in March 2011. This re-branding has occurred a few years ago when the Romanian car manufacturer Dacia had changed it’s logo. The new logo kept the same lines, but the "Skoda" has been replaced in the top of the symbol.
The logo with the famous “winged arrow” was first used in 1926. Its origin is shrouded in mystery, sometimes the author of the idea (the stylised head of an Indian wearing a headdress with five feathers) is said to be the commercial director of Škoda Plzeň, T. Maglič. The blue and white circular logo, which is completed by a right-moving winged arrow with a stylised pinion, is currently used on some original Škoda parts (e.g. on window glass and engine blocks).
Uploaded on April 6, 2011
Last updated on April 6, 2011
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Škoda Auto
Škoda Auto, more commonly known as Škoda, is an automobile manufacturer based in the Czech Republic. Škoda became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group in 2000, positioned as the entry brand to the group.