São Paulo FC mascot Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

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Free to download São Paulo FC mascot logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more São Paulo FC mascot related vector logos. Download São Paulo FC mascot logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The São Paulo Football Club has only a mascot, which was marked in its history. Created in 1940 by a newspaper cartoonist for "A Gazeta Esportiva", São Paulo de Tarso became the club's official mascot. And because São Paulo de Tarso died approximately 60 years, is represented by a white-bearded old man. It is called "Saint " Paul not to be confused with the club name.

Paulo de Tarso Alvim was a Brazilian recipient of the Order of Scientific Merit in Biology.


Uploaded on April 12, 2011
Last updated on April 12, 2011

São Paulo Futebol Clube

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São Paulo Futebol Clube

São Paulo Futebol Clube is a Brazilian football club from São Paulo founded on January 25, 1930, and re-founded on December 16, 1935. São Paulo play their home games at the Estádio do Morumbi, better known as the Morumbi. They play in white shirt with two horizontal stripes, one red and one black, white shorts and socks. They are the fourth most popular football club in Brazil