Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube related vector logos. Download Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The first colors chosen for the new club were white, azure blue and golden lemon as an homage to Concórdia Club. But the difficulty to fabricate the colors on the uniform during those times forced a board meeting a year after the club's foundation. Pelúcio Paul suggested switching the official colors to white and black. According to Paul, the color white represents peace and black represents nobility. It received wide approval from the club members and the president of Santos, Raymundo Marques, based the club on the new colors.

In 1912, Santos adopted a black and white striped shield, with one of the early leather footballs in the middle and a diagonal band with the letters "SFBC". A crown was added to the crest in 1913. In 1925, the crown was removed from the crest and it took its future form, only going through a remodelling in 2005.


Uploaded on December 28, 2011
Last updated on December 28, 2011

Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube

Select available file format to download Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube vector logo or Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube vector file.

Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube 2005 AI downloadDownload286k Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube 2005 SVG downloadDownload7k

Santos FC | Santos Futebol Clube

Santos Futebol Clube is a Brazilian professional football club based in Santos, São Paulo. They play in the Campeonato Paulista and the Campeonato Brasileiro Série A, the highest professional leagues in São Paulo state and Brazil, respectively. It is also notable for having featured Pelé as its main player between 1956 and 1974.