ROLEX Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download ROLEX logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more ROLEX related vector logos. Download ROLEX logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
Uploaded on August 11, 2010
Last updated on August 11, 2010
Select available file format to download ROLEX vector logo or ROLEX vector file.
Rolex SA
Rolex SA is a Swiss manufacturer of high-quality, luxury wristwatches. Rolex watches are popularly regarded as status symbols and BusinessWeek magazine ranks Rolex #71 on its 2007 annual list of the 100 most valuable global brands. Rolex is also the largest single luxury watch brand, producing about 2,000 watches per day, with estimated revenues of around US$3 billion (£1.75) (3.02 CHF billion) (2003 figures).