PONTIAC Vector Logo Download - AI

Free to download PONTIAC logo vector in AI vector format. Browse to see more PONTIAC related vector logos. Download PONTIAC logo vector in AI format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
Pontiac is a brand of automobiles first produced in 1926, and sold in the United States, Canada and Mexico by General Motors (GM), marketed as an "athletic" brand specializing in mainstream performance vehicles.
The original logo was that of an American Indian headdress, which was used as a logo until 1956. The American Indian headdress is obviously connected to Chief Pontiac referenced earlier. This was updated to the currently used American Indian red arrowhead design for 1957. The arrowhead logo is also known as the Dart. The logo has a distinctive Red and a silver star in the middle.
In 2003, Pontiac logo adopted the new typeface.
Uploaded on November 25, 2010
Last updated on November 25, 2010
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General Motors Company
The General Motors Company, also known as GM, is a United States-based automaker with its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. The company manufactures cars and trucks in 34 countries, recently employed 244,500 people around the world, and sells and services vehicles in some 140 countries.