Firefox Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download Firefox logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more Firefox related vector logos. Download Firefox logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The original Firefox logo was designed by Jon Hicks in 2004, based on a concept from Daniel Burka and sketched by Stephen Desroches. Daniel Burka's concept was partially inspired by a piece of artwork found in his childhood bible, before going though its many iterations.

The current Firefox logo design is credited to a number of artists. An initial sketch was created by Stephen DesRoches of Silverorange on Prince Edward Island in Canada. The logo was then rendered by John Hicks in Macromedia Fireworks in 2004 based on concepts from Stephen DesRoches and Daniel Burka (Ex-Creative Director at Digg), partially inspired by artworks found in his childhood bible.


Uploaded on June 21, 2010
Last updated on July 25, 2010

Mozilla Corporation
United States

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Firefox 2004 version 1 AI downloadDownload401k Firefox 2004 version 1 EPS downloadDownload677k

Mozilla Corporation

The Mozilla Corporation (abbreviated MoCo) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation that coordinates and integrates the development of Internet-related applications such as the Mozilla Firefox and SeaMonkey Navigator web browsers and the Mozilla Thunderbird email client by a growing global community of open-source developers, only some of whom are employed by the corporation itself. The corporation also distributes and promotes these products. Unlike the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, the Mozilla Corporation is a taxable entity. The Mozilla Corporation reinvests some or all of its profits back into the Mozilla projects. The Mozilla Corporation's stated aim is to work towards the Mozilla Foundation's public benefit to "promote choice and innovation on the Internet."