FedEx Express Vector Logo Download - AI

Free to download FedEx Express logo vector in AI vector format. Browse to see more FedEx Express related vector logos. Download FedEx Express logo vector in AI format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

FedEx is organized into operating units, each of which has its own version of the wordmark, designed by Lindon Leader of Landor Associates, of San Francisco, California, in 1994. The Fed is always purple and the Ex is in a different color for each division and grey for the overall corporation use. The original "FedEx" logo had the Ex in orange; it is now used as the FedEx Express wordmark. The FedEx wordmark is notable for containing a hidden right-pointing arrow in the negative space between the "E" and the "X", which was achieved by designing a proprietary font, based on Univers and Futura, to emphasize the arrow shape.

Uploaded on December 21, 2010
Last updated on May 2, 2013

FedEx Corporation
United States
Lindon Leader Landor

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FedEx Corporation

FedEx Corporation, originally known as FDX Corporation, is a logistics services company, based in the United States with headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. The name "FedEx" is a syllabic abbreviation of the name of the company's original air division, Federal Express, which was used from 1973 until 2000.