CELL C Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download CELL C logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more CELL C related vector logos. Download CELL C logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The new corporate identity reflects the company’s vision of understanding its customers’ way of life better than anybody else and tailoring solutions around them to enhance lifestyles and improve livelihoods. The new logo also consists of a six-colour bar which represents the colours of the South African flag as a symbol that Cell C cares about South Africa, and South Africa only.

Uploaded on September 30, 2013
Last updated on September 30, 2013

Cell C
South Africa
Font author:
Eric Olson

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Cell C

Cell C is South Africa’s third cell network after Vodacom and MTN Group, and the first cellular provider operating a dual band GSM 900/1800 MHz data network, with over 11.5 million subscribers. Founded in November 2001, Cell C is owned by 3C Telecommunications, which is 60% owned by Oger Telecom South Africa, a division of Saudi Oger; 25% owned in an unencumbered holding by CellSAf, (a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment entity representing over 30 black empowerment companies and trusts), and 15% by Lanun Securities SA (Lanun is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saudi Oger Ltd).