TACA | Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano Airlines Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download TACA | Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano Airlines logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more TACA | Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano Airlines related vector logos. Download TACA | Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano Airlines logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
On Sep 29, 2008, TACA unveiled its new brand image and a series of new services on board and on the ground as it seeks to provide a new customer experience and compete in a demanding and competitive airline industry. The changes at TACA begin with the colors, logos and other brand image elements. The new image was developed by the TACA marketing team with the help of New York-based Lippincott, one of the leading brand management consulting firms in the world.
The logo features a streamlined eagle, evolves the extended serif from the previous logo with a custom sans serif that complements the icon perfectly.
Uploaded on June 10, 2013
Last updated on June 10, 2013
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TACA | Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano
Transportes Aereos del Continente Americano, simply known as TACA Airlines operating as Avianca is the flag-carrier of El Salvador and was a trade name brand comprising a group of five independently IATA-coded and -owned Central American airlines, whose operations were combined to function as one and a number of other independently owned and IATA-coded regional airlines which code-share and feed the TACA Airlines brand system.