Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) related vector logos. Download Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
Stockholm is not only the home of global game changers Niclas Zennström and Daniel Ek, Skype and Spotify respectively. Stockholm is also a global role model in city governance.
Our rebranding for Stockholms stad was initiated by the need to coherently communicate a wide range of offerings, everything from world museums to scavenging. Stockholm is taking a giant leap forward, fueling its progress with the help of one strong vision, identity and statement. Stockholm is truly becoming the Capital of Scandinavia.
The updated brand is flexible enough to support the city’s many functions and responsibilities and is orbiting around the taylor-made typeface Stockholm Type and the clarified symbol of St:Erik – the patron of Stockholm.
Essen InternationalUploaded on July 16, 2014
Last updated on July 16, 2014
Select available file format to download Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) vector logo or Stockholms Stad (City of Stockholm) vector file.
Government of the Kingdom of Sweden
The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden is the national cabinet and the supreme executive authority in Sweden. The short-form name Regeringen ("the Government") is used both in the Fundamental Laws of the Realm and in the vernacular, while the long-form is only used in international treaties.