RÉMY MARTIN Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download RÉMY MARTIN logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more RÉMY MARTIN related vector logos. Download RÉMY MARTIN logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The famous logo of Rémy Martin, the distinctive centaur that is displayed on all its bottles has made this brand an internationally recognisable cognac. This is such that in China, Rémy Martin wine is almost always called "man-headed horse" (人头马) instead of the actual "Rémy Martin" name.

Uploaded on May 3, 2011
Last updated on November 29, 2011

Rémy Cointreau

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Rémy Cointreau

Rémy Cointreau is a French alcohol manufacturer that produces cognac, liqueurs, spirits and champagne. The company is a result of a 1990-1991 merger between Rémy Martin and Cointreau.