orange (telecommunications) Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS / CDR

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Free to download orange (telecommunications) logo vector in AI / EPS / CDR vector format. Browse to see more orange (telecommunications) related vector logos. Download orange (telecommunications) logo vector in AI / EPS / CDR format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The Orange brand was created by an internal team at Microtel headed by Chris Moss (Marketing Director) and supported by Martin Keogh, Rob Furness and Ian Pond. The brand consultancy Wolff Olins was charged with designing the brand values and logo and advertising agency WCRS created the Orange slogan "The Future's bright, the Future's Orange" along with the now famous advertising. The logo is square because it was felt that the word orange could be seen as a fruit and it needed to be strong in the business world rather like American Express and Hertz. It was also important to establish it as the colour Orange, which is seen as a strong Feng Shui colour. The Orange network was launched on 28 April 1994.


Uploaded on June 30, 2010
Last updated on June 30, 2010

France Télécom S.A.

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France Télécom S.A.

France Télécom S.A. is the main telecommunications company in France, the third-largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Its headquarters are in Place d'Alleray in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. Up to 1988, France Télécom was known as the Direction Générale des Télécommunications, a division of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. It became autonomous in 1990. It was privatized by Lionel Jospin's Plural Left government starting in January 1, 1998. The French government, both directly and through its holding company ERAP, continues to hold a stake of almost 27% in the firm.