OPEL Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download OPEL logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more OPEL related vector logos. Download OPEL logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The changing of the Opel's badge is part of improving the image of the brand. "The Insignia embodies the confident, exciting direction we are taking at Opel," says Alain Visser, GM Europe's chief marketing officer."And this direction is immediately clear from the polished, even higher class brand emblem. We will naturally use the new emblem from now on in all future models."

The newest logo assimilates the brand's name into an expanded boundary that surrounds the trademark lightning bolt. The latest badge to be obtained has a more molded design with sphere-shaped surfaces that provides the symbol three-dimensional deepness.

"Capturing that combination of beautifully-sculpted shapes together with German precision is very much consistent with the overall design language and philosophy of our vehicles," says Mark Adams, GM Europe's head of design, who led the team that re-designed the logo.

New Opel Logo to be Revealed


Uploaded on August 4, 2010
Last updated on August 4, 2010

Adam Opel GmbH
Mark Adams (GM Europe)

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Adam Opel GmbH

Adam Opel GmbH is a German automobile company founded by Adam Opel in 1863. It has been a subsidiary of General Motors (GM) 1929 - present. The company was an AG (German plc) up to 2005. Opel is headquartered in Rüsselsheim, Hesse, Germany.