oi (telecommunications) Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download oi (telecommunications) logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more oi (telecommunications) related vector logos. Download oi (telecommunications) logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
In 2001, Telemar, the Brazilian telecoms giant, decided to launch a new mobile phone service. In a market dominated by formal and formulaic brands, Telemar wanted to be very different.
Wolff Olins started by defining a brand idea that captured this ambition: cut the crap. We created a name for the new brand (Oi means ‘hi'), and its visual identity, brand language, communication style, packaging and many other brand applications. More than 2.2m people signed up in the first year - almost 20% of the Brazilian market. Oi successfully took customers away from other networks: 75% of Oi's customers left other providers to join Oi. It was the first telephone brand in the world to exhibit that speed of growth. The launch was so successful that in 2007 Oi become the brand for all of Telemar's fixed line, broadband and mobile services. Wolff Olins developed the brand strategy, brand architecture and visual expressions for the new, bigger Oi which rolled out across Brazil in 2008.
Uploaded on August 6, 2010
Last updated on August 6, 2010
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Telemar Norte Leste S.A.
Oi (Portuguese for "Hi") , formerly known as Telemar, but still legally called Telemar Norte Leste S.A., is the largest landline telephone company in Brazil and the second biggest in Latin America, behind Mexican América Móvil, considering both lines in service and revenues. It is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. Oi, along with Telemar Internet Ltda. (Oi Internet) and Companhia AIX Participacoes S.A., are subsidiaries of Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA (Tele Norte Leste Holding Company, or TNL).