BRESCIA CALCIO Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download BRESCIA CALCIO logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more BRESCIA CALCIO related vector logos. Download BRESCIA CALCIO logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The crest was changed for the centenary of Brescia Calcio in 2011, featuring higher visibility, leaves, and a substantial redesign of the old logo. The thick profile of the gold shield and laurel branches surrounding the badge are in pure celebration of achieving 100 years of age. The lettering has changed in favour of a font in the style of the period when the team was founded.

The Lion that, due to a misunderstanding of history, many believe to be a lioness (the definition of Leonessa d'Italia was assigned to Brescia following the uprisings, but the lion as a symbol of Brescia dates back to the Republic of Venice), has undergone a total redesign which aims to fix some errors in heraldic iconography (the absence of nails, muscle weakness and weak curvature of the tail) and to restore a more toned and ferocious looking lion, the symbol a football team should have.


Uploaded on February 14, 2011
Last updated on February 14, 2011

Brescia Calcio
Font author:
Mark Simonson

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Brescia Calcio

Brescia Calcio, known simply as Brescia, is the largest football club in the Lombard city of Brescia, where it was founded in 1911. The team's colours are blue and white. Its stadium is the 27,547 seater Stadio Mario Rigamonti.