BDF Beiersdorf Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download BDF Beiersdorf logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more BDF Beiersdorf related vector logos. Download BDF Beiersdorf logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
Uploaded on July 9, 2010
Last updated on July 9, 2010
Select available file format to download BDF Beiersdorf vector logo or BDF Beiersdorf vector file.
Beiersdorf AG
Beiersdorf AG is a multinational corporation based in Hamburg, Germany, manufacturing personal care products. Its brands include: 8x4, atrix, basis, Duo, Elastoplast, Eucerin (makers of Aquaphor), Florena, Hansaplast, JUVENA, Labello Lipcare (also called 'Liposan'), La Prairie (stylized as 'la prairie'), Marlies Möller, NIVEA, SBT (abbreviated from 'Skin Biology Therapy'), Slek.