Aer Lingus Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download Aer Lingus logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more Aer Lingus related vector logos. Download Aer Lingus logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.
Uploaded on August 10, 2011
Last updated on August 10, 2011
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Aer Lingus Group Plc
Aer Lingus Group Plc (an anglicisation of the Irish Aer Loingeas meaning "air fleet") is the flag carrier of Ireland. It operates a fleet of Airbus aircraft serving Europe, North America and northern Africa. It is Ireland's oldest extant airline, and its second largest after low-cost rival Ryanair. The airline's head office is located on the grounds of Dublin Airport.