McAfee Vector Logo Download - AI / EPS

Free to download McAfee logo vector in AI / EPS vector format. Browse to see more McAfee related vector logos. Download McAfee logo vector in AI / EPS format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The launch of McAfee's new corporate identity, designed by MetaDesign, signaled the company's renewed commitment to its core calues, strengths, and vision for success. With the next release of its consumer software, McAfee needed to demonstrate innovation in its product line with progressive, differentiated, and cohesive visual and verbal cues.

The MetaDesign approach discarded the commonly-seen themes in the information security category, such as padlocks, shields, and medical diagnostic tools, to show ordinary human beings in relaxed poses. The human-centered approach to photography conveyed the desired lifestyle characteristics of the McAfee customer: secure and comfortable in the use of technology, knowing their identities (as shown visually by the absence of faces) have been protected.


Uploaded on July 14, 2010
Last updated on July 14, 2010

McAfee, Inc.
United States
Frutiger LT Std
Font author:
Adrian Frutiger

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McAfee, Inc.

McAfee, Inc. is an antivirus software and computer security company headquartered in Santa Clara, California. It markets McAfee VirusScan and related security products and services, including the IntruShield, Entercept, and Foundstone brands.