RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) Vector Logo Download - AI / SVG

Free to download RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) logo vector in AI / SVG vector format. Browse to see more RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) related vector logos. Download RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) logo vector in AI / SVG format, and open with Adobe Illustrator or Adobe PhotoShop or CorelDRAW.

The need to be global, and the conviction that "RBC" is easier than "Royal" to export to republics and democracies like the U.S., drove this identity change. "RBC" is to be the new brand umbrella and first-name for all units (RBC Insurance, RBC Royal Bank) and subsidiaries (RBC Centura, RBC Liberty Insurance) of the parent RBC Financial Group.

The great Leo mark, designed in 1962 at Lippincott & Margulies, strengthened in 1974 by Gottschalk+Ash, has now been retooled and set into a shield shape to support the RBC name strategy. Leo was flipped to face right, his crown taken and the tongue licking it withdrawn, his mane curled and softened.


Uploaded on July 31, 2013
Last updated on July 31, 2013

RBC Financial Group

Select available file format to download RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) vector logo or RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) vector file.

RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) 2001 AI downloadDownload81k RBC Financial Group (Royal Bank of Canada) 2001 SVG downloadDownload6k

RBC Financial Group

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC; French: Banque Royale du Canada), RBC Royal Bank or RBC Financial Group is the largest financial institution in Canada, as measured by deposits, revenues, and market capitalization. The company corporate headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec, and its operational head office in Toronto, Ontario. The bank was founded in 1864 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.